Monday, July 17, 2006

bloody bob geldof!!!!

So.... bob geldof.... thinks he can come into our country.... and diss us for how much money we give to all the poor countrys... ATLEAST WE GIVE SOME. Isn't he like one of the biggest charity givers in the world? and thinks we should give more?! Well honestly, i heard we are supposed to be giving like a billion or over that a year. Seriously we can't do that can we?


Blogger Lindsay Mitchell said...

I'm not opposed to giving aid, I'd just prefer to do it through the private sector via charities like World Vision. We know that money is wisely spent. Bob Geldof wants the aid to be chanelled through the govt but when does govt ever take a lot of care about how taxpayers money is spent or accounted for? Who would you trust to spend your money best? Yourself or someone who's got a hold of your creditcard?

10:11 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with Lindsay - the logic of aid being channelled through the Government of countries in which Government corruption is the core cause of poverty really doesn't seem like a great idea to me...

2:59 PM


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